Beef Cutting Instructions "*" indicates required fields 1Personal Information2Section3Packaging4Front Instructions5Front Instructions.6Hind Instructions7Hind Instructions.8Additional Instructions Owner's Name* First Last Owner's Phone Number*Owner's email* Enter Email Confirm Email Are the owner and customer the same? Yes No Customer's Name* First Last Customer's Phone Number*Customer's email* Enter Email Confirm Email Order Type* Custom Order Retail Sold Side Slaughter Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Retail Sold Side InfoThis is intended for use only when buying a side or quarter of beef from Hastings Meat Market. We do require a deposit on these orders. After submitting the ordering form, please contact us to confirm your order. Section Whole Beef Side Split-Side Front Quarter Hind Quarter Are both sides cut the same? Yes No Side 1 Customer NameSide 2 Customer NameBecause the instructions are different for each half, you will need to fill out an additional form for the second half when you have submitted this form.Are all the quarters cut the same? Yes No Quarter #1Quarter #2Quarter #3Quarter #4Because the instructions are different for each quarter, you will need to fill out additional forms for the other quarters when you have submitted this form. Steak Thickness: 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" Other Steaks per Package? 2 per package Other Roast Size: 3-4 lbs. Other Ground Beef Package Size: 1.5 lb. Other Brisket Roast Ground Beef Cross Rib Roast Steak Ground Beef Short Rib Roast Ground Beef Braising Ribs Yes Ground Beef Prime Rib Roast Steak Some of each Ground Beef Blade Roast Steak Some of each Ground Beef Brisket Roast Ground Beef Cross Rib Roast Steak Ground Beef Short Rib Roast Ground Beef Braising Ribs Yes Ground Beef Prime Rib Roast Steak Ground Beef Blade Roast Steak Ground Beef Loin Porter House, T-Bone & Wing Steak Striploin & Tenderloin Steak Ground Beef Top Sirloin Roast Steak Ground Beef Sirloin Tip Roast Steak Some of each Ground Beef Inside Round Roast Steak Some of each Ground Beef Outside Round Roast Ground Beef Ground Beef Eye of Round Roast Steak Ground Beef Loin Porter House, T-Bone & Wing Steak Striploin & Tenderloin Steak Ground Beef Top Sirloin Roast Steak Ground Beef Sirloin Tip Roast Steak Ground Beef Eye of Round Roast Steak Ground Beef Outside Round Roast Ground Beef Ground Beef Inside Round Roast Steak Ground Beef Patties Yes No *extra chargeTotal lbs. of pattiesPlease enter a number greater than or equal to 30.(min 30 lbs.)Size of Patties 4 oz. 6 oz. Stew Yes No *extra chargeTotal lbs. of stewPlease enter a number less than or equal to 10.lbs. per package 1 lb. 2 lb. Special Instructions